
Objectives and activities for the public benefit

The Hobson Charity was founded in 1985 and was established to achieve the following objectives:

  • The relief of poverty, suffering and distress of those in need in the United Kingdom, including the provision of facilities for recreation and leisure in the interests of their social welfare
  • The advancement of education amongst the inhabitants of the United Kingdom
  • The furtherance of other charitable purposes beneficial to such communities of the United Kingdom as the charity may think fit
  • To make grants to such associations, trusts, societies or corporations established for charitable purposes

The trustees will consider applications for grants which are in accordance with the stated objectives of the charity and

  • are from a registered charitable organisation based in England and Wales;
  • do not include salary, people or core running costs of any kind;
  • are not repeat or multi-year requests.

Exceptions to these principles are only considered in very exceptional circumstances.

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