How to Apply

Please read our Eligibility page carefully before registering, writing your application letter or completing the Grant Application form.

Our administrator has provided the following tips below, there are no guarantees of success but please do follow them:-

The application process is mostly automated however you will need to upload a letter (as a PDF) addressed to the Trustees, please ensure that you have included the full project details and a detailed budget. You can also upload other PDF documents such as quotations, estimates and any plans or drawings.

As detailed on the Eligibility page, unless there are exceptional circumstances, salaries, people or core costs are not supported. The trustees support applications for specific capital or equipment projects and some other items not considered to be salaries or core costs and usually only settle grants on production of a paid invoice.

Your project leaders are expected to be actively raising funds elsewhere, there isn’t a set limit for the grant request, you must ask for a specific amount. The trustees will be interested in who else is supporting the project, the amounts raised and if there are any application requests outstanding or in the pipeline. If Trusts and Foundations are supporters of your charity in general, we ask applicants to provide a detailed list of donations received from Trusts and Foundations that support your charity. Please include the name of each Trust or Foundation, along with the amount donated, within the last twelve months. Incomplete information, such as missing names or amounts, may affect the evaluation of your application.

In carrying out our due diligence we ask that you provide a PDF copy of your organisations most recent signed accounts or financial statements, these are supplied separately using the Financial Details form after you have registered. As part of the monitoring and or grant management process we ask that you also submit the accounts for the following year as soon as they become available.

We limit file size uploads to 3MB or less to minimise data storage and processing time. There is no requirement within your grant application to include HD quality photographs or graphics. PDF’s should be optimised for minimal file size before uploading if they exceed our limits.
Free online tools that will reduce PDF file size:
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We focus on registered charities within the boundaries of England & Wales, this is because of the long-distance travel that major projects may involve.

One of our representatives might contact you but feedback is usually given within 30 days, at peak periods it could take longer, if you don’t hear from us within that time then it’s just taking a little longer but feel free to Contact Us for an update.

In the event of your application being successful and the trustees decide to offer a grant we will request Bank Details.

Safeguarding and the Hobson Charity

The Hobson Charity has safeguarding responsibilities both as charity and as a grant giver to other organisations whose activities may involve contact with children or adults at risk. We have a responsibility to carry out appropriate due diligence on all applicants to the Charity. Such due diligence is not to ‘approve’ an applicant’s approach to safeguarding but is part of our process of establishing an organisation’s general standard of governance.

In carrying out due diligence we will need you to provide a signed PDF copy of your organisations most recent safeguarding vulnerable people, adults or child protection policy and procedures. We ask that you keep us updated of any changes to your policy as part of the monitoring and or grant management process using the Safeguarding form. You can do this at any time after you have registered.

Step by Step

1. Read Eligibility, Key Points and How to Apply (this page).

2. Organisation Registration.
Includes email address validation before you can login. If you haven’t received the validation email check your SPAM or JUNK mail folders. When you have completed registration and email address validation you can start making your grant application.

3. Login.

The items below can be completed from My Application in any order after you login.

4. Safeguarding. (part of registration but should be kept up to date)

5. Grant Application.

6. Financial Details.

7. Bank Details.

Continue to My Application.